Zindagi Gulzar Hai 26th April 2013 Full Episode Hum tv Drama serial Zindagi Gulzar Hai 26.05.2013 watch here online. The show revolves around the story of Kashaf Murtaza (Sanam Saeed), who lives with her mother Rafia Murtaza (Samina Peerzada), who is separated from her husband Murtaza (Waseem Abbas) because she didn't fulfill his desire of having a son. Murtaza married another woman, who did eventually give birth to his son. Rafia supports herself and her three daughters by herself and is the principal of a government school. Kashaf, her eldest daughter, is accepted into a well-known university and is offered a scholarship. At this university, she meets Zaroon Junaid (Fawad Afzal Khan). The two have many arguments, since Zaroon is jealous of Kashaf because he has always been the best from among his peers while Kashaf repeatedly comes first in every class. Zaroon comes from a rich family consisting of his lax and patient father, an independent, attitude-filled mother (who doesn't give much time to her family due to her work) and his sister Sara(Ayesha Omar). Sara is just like her mother; she is initially engaged to and later marries Farhan but their marriage falls apart because Sara is not willing to compromise and Farhan isn't happy with a stubborn wife.
Zaroon's attempts at friendship are repeatedly turned down by Kashaf, who believes that he is the same flirtatious, irresponsible person as before. Osama proposes to Kashaf, but Kashaf rejects him, saying that she doesn't want to complicate her life by getting married to someone.Then Zaroon talks to Sir Abrar, his close family friend and university professor, confessing that he wants to marry Kashaf. Sir Abrar talks to Kashaf about Zaroon's proposal. Kashaf is furious with Zaroon, thinking that his proposal is not sincere. The two meet at Sir Abrar's house, where they have a heart to heart conversation. Zaroon saves Kashaf from getting burnt by hot tea so that it falls on him and not on her. Kashaf then accepts his proposal, realizing that he really does care for her. Then the two families meet and Kashaf and Zaroon get engaged in a ceremony much simpler than the one in which Zaroon became engaged to Asmara.Zaroon gets to know about Kashaf's family pretty closely. Kashaf's mom tells her that after marriage it will be her to do compromises if Zaroon does not. Usama meets Zaroon and over hears that Zaroon got engaged to Kashaf whom he proposed lately, he gets though amazed and later Asmara messages Zaroon to stay in hell.The story over takes and they both get married, that night Zaroon tries to tell Kashaf how he has been feeling and shares some of his feeling with her and too giving her a ring.After some time Kashaf visits her home with Zaroon and there she realises of making Zaroon come in a very poor home. After marriage Zaroon and Kashaf enjoy their life very happily, on which Kashaf exclaims to get really close to Zaroon and thinks what will happen if she loses him.
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